07 September 2011

Katz's Writers on the Move

Earlier this summer Christina Katz created a group on Facebook, Writers on the Move, in which members share their ups, downs, and status quos about being physically active. Her own blog post announcing the group can be found here. Yardwork, housework, swimming, walking, running ... if your are exercising, no matter the level or expertise, you are Moving.

I admit, I didn't join at first, intimidated by the fact that the Christina Katz founded the group. I mean, come on, I've read her books Writer Mama and Get Known Before the Book Deal, she's a famous writer, why would she want someone like me, an unpublished writer, in her group? I know, stupid thinking, particularly after I asked her to friend me on Facebook, AND she'd accepted, but there you have it.

Weeks passed, and I kept seeing her group updates and finally caved and asked to join. Because really, who couldn't use a little nudge to keep exercising and maintain a healthy lifestyle? I joined and was heartened by all the support that the members provide each other. I've received helpful suggestions on exercise shoes while Zumba-ing that might not cause my plantar fascitis to cripple me, a recommendation for a beginner yoga DVD and calorie/food/exercise tracking apps, and many likes and commiserations, all which gave me the courage to reach out to others. Yes, even to Christina Katz. As a matter of fact, she was one of the first to comment on my updates. Me! Boggles the mind doesn't it. (Or not -- I shouldn't have been surprised by how accepting these Writers On The Move are. Members of the #amwriting community on Twitter are very encouraging and welcoming to us newbies, to all writers really.)

So, if you are a writer, and if you find that you need a nudge to be Move, to Move more, or to Move some, I recommend you check out the group. Just search for it while logged into your Facebook account.

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