07 September 2012

Links and Stuff

My wave of writing momentum broke, leaving me wading in the waters. Not that I'm not getting nothing done, I'm still moving towards shore. Just not very fast.

Rather than go on about my revision hell, I thought I'd link/share some posts that have entertained me, provided conversation fodder, and helped my writing process along recently.

  • Donald Maass tweets golden nuggets that writers can use to improve any story. Using Hootsuite, I email his tweets to myself, then copy and paste them into an Evernote note that I save just for his tweets. If I need an idea of how to make the story larger, I browse the list of his tweets. My favorite at the moment is #87 -- I'm so going to let it hurt. 
  • Pocket is a read-later service that I found via Lifehacker (another good site) that allows me to save articles and blogposts that I want to read for later. I was using Instapaper, even paid for the app, when I learned about Pocket, a free app. Both apps get the job done and make it easy to share the articles, but found Pocket's layout more visually appealing. I use Pocket to save recipes, writing articles, news pieces, and even links to videos, then dispo them to trash, Evernote, or email for final filing.
  • Lynn Viehl, one of my favorite authors and  bloggers, has a Get Back to Writing theme this week on her blog. One of her posts has my Muse waving her sword and spouting ideas for a few short stories.
  • Over at Photofocus, Scott Bourne always posts stunning photos as well as helpful photography related tips. Much of his advice is just as applicable to writing and life as to photography, like this one about scrubbing negativity from your creative space/life. (I still have the article in my Pocket queue to keep the message present for myself.)
Hope these links sparked inspiration, curiosity of sources/services available on the web, or just allowed you to take a break.

Me, I'm back to revising. Maybe, now that I have some pain to inflict character building to do, I'll have some fun.