05 November 2009

Evernote - Another tool

I love the cloud computing services: they make life so much simpler.

For instance, I use a service/application called Evernote,  copies are installed on the home Mac, my laptop and my iPhone. Since the data is in the cloud, I can also use their website to access my information if I find myself without my device.

I use it maintain lists: gifts, books, wishlists, writing tips, camera/photography tips, keeping photos for potential hairstyles. (Not grocery/shopping lists, that I do with Zenbe Lists.) When I make a change on any of my devices, it syncs and send changes to my local copy next time I log in. It requires an account, created via their website. Both free and paid versions are available. At the moment, I use the free version: I don't require the extra storage space. Yet.

But it also has additional functionality. Not only can I type my notes or ideas, I can record them. Last night after a painfully slow writing session, I finally crawled into bed ready to fall asleep instantly. Of course that was when story ideas came to mind. Rather than search for a pen and pencil and turn the light back on, I grabbed my iPhone (which I charge at the bedside at night - it's my morning alarm clock) and recorded a slurred message to myself and waited the few seconds it took to sync before shutting down. Then tonight, when I was finally able to get to my WIP, I checked my notes on my laptop and there it was, ready to be incorporated.

Evernote has other features which I've yet to explore, taking pictures (on the iPhone app). I recall seeing something about transcribing recorded notes. That would be cool, but I think you have to be a paid user.

How 'bout you? Do you use the reliable hand written sticky notes or something digital to record your notes? Let me know in  comments.

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